Dan is a consultant, coach, and trainer on negotiation and communication skills, and the President of Bridge Consulting International. His professional practice regularly takes him around the world.
In the private sector he has worked internationally with individuals at companies such as Accenture, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, Draeger, Google, Mathworks, Nike, Nokia, PSP Investments and many others. Dan has coached senior executives throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East on negotiations with values ranging up to $400 million USD.
In the public sector, Dan has also provided considerable service. In 2008 he became involved with the peace process between the Colombian government and the ELN guerrillas through his work with ELN Commander and spokesman Francisco ‘Pacho’ Galán at la Casa de Paz (the house of peace) in Medellín, Colombia. He has also worked with the Colombian Air Force. Prior to his work in Colombia Dan was awarded a Fellowship at Insight Collaborative, a Boston-based international conflict management non-governmental organization. In this role, he spent a year studying the role of emotions in negotiation in the United States, China, India and Uganda and assisting parties in those settings.
In recent years Dan has provided advice at the leadership level around the world to FINCA International. FINCA is a global microfinance organization that provides poverty solutions through small-business loans and services to the world’s lowest-income entrepreneurs so they can create jobs, build assets, and improve their standard of living.
Dan is a former Adjunct Professor of International Negotiation in the MBA program at EAFIT University in Colombia. He has been invited to guest lecture at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, and is the author of ‘TheNegotiationBlog.com’.
Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Dan holds a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University (New York) and a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University (Montreal). He speaks fluent Spanish.